Femdom Destiny has been online for more than 11 years. Over 2000 pages, constant improvements and regular updates, the site became one of the starting points for domination fetishists in their search for humiliation and thrill.

Since recently, a new policy has been applied and now you have a chance to create your page (profile) and publish it to our audience, for free. It is simple, just fill the form below. Once data is submitted, you will see a banner (or a small piece of code) to place on your site as a courtesy. 


Please fill your name or or a desired nickname
Your primary location - area/city *
There is no limit with the length of the text. You can place the whole biography if you want. The more text your put here the bigger chances to be discovered by search engines. Our SEO team will optimize a page for your name or nickname after the submission. Yes, we are serious in what we do here.
One photo for the profile (recommended resolution 700 x 450). If you want to have a full gallery or video on page, please contact us after the submission. It is also free, don't worry
Website or the social media profile. Place where you want to send a visitor.
The BDSM/fetish activities you most specialize in. Separated by coma. 5 max number
E-mail address won't be published on the site. It is used to communicate with us and get an info once the page is online.